Education Profile: Karen Wells

Posted on 20 March 2020

Education Profile: Karen Wells

Meet Karen Wells, one of our latest Education Grant recipients.


Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou

Ko Frank Wells rāua ko Megan Walker ōku matua. Ko Joseph Waihaere Wells rāua ko Caroline Waiporo Hinera Hemi ōku tipuna ki te taha o tōku papa Ko Karen Wells tōku ingoa No Whakatū ahau Ināianei e noho ana ahau ki Kawatiri No reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātou katoa

Firstly, I wish to acknowledge the ongoing support I have received from Ngāti Apa Ki te Rā Tō. This year I will be on study leave to complete a Master of Education (Māori Education) and a Certificate of Proficiency in Te Reo Māori.

The topic for my Professional Inquiry is “Identify, Belonging and Achievement – The Effect of Transition on Māori Students”. The intent of this study is to look at the effects moving schools has on Māori students and what can be done to help them maintain a sense of belonging and identity, which I believe will help them achieve better in school. One hope is that tauira and their whānau will provide information on what is working and what can be done better that can be shared with schools.

If you are interested in assisting in any way, I would love to hear from you!

Nā, Karen Wells

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