From the Chair

Posted on 23 November 2017

Tēnā koutou katoa

Whilst Brendon has taken a well earned holiday, I have taken on the responsibilities of the chair and it has been a real eye opener. The volume and scope of issues that have to be considered and addressed, and the invitations from a wide range of government and non government organisations and groups that need to be attended, require great time management. As our iwi reputation increases it appears to me so too does the interest in doing business with us.

I have thoroughly enjoyed the added responsibility the acting chair role brings with it however learning how to utilise technology through the remote systems we have for paying accounts, to ensuring that the businesses are kept in good running order, has been nerve wracking at times. So it would be remiss of me not to thank all the staff and our GM for ensuring that I do not ‘drop the ball’.  

I’d like to remind you all of the Puaha te Rangi Christmas party which Kylie Batt and Dyan Hansen have organised for December 2 at Carters Beach, Westport. Also Margaret Bond has organised the Tarakaipa Christmas function for December 9 in Blenheim. Please make the time to support these functions, they offer the opportunity to catch up with whānau, have lots of fun and enjoy some scrumptious food.

Towards the end of October one of my first functions as acting chair was to attend a strategic planning meeting hosted by the Nelson and Tasman mayors. The chairpersons’ for the top of the south iwi all attended and it is planned that further consultation meetings will be scheduled. Water issues are as high on the councils' agenda as it is with iwi. I would be interested to  have your thoughts on the use, quality and conservation of water; send an email via the office and let me know your views.

I have also been invited through NIWA to attend a meeting to discuss sea water quality. Unfortunately that meeting was postponed due to lack of interest. I’m disappointed that so few people registered—being informed and educated on such issues allows us all to make more informed decisions. I’ll keep you updated once the meeting finally takes place.

All in all it has been a busy but “sometimes” enjoyable time as acting chair. It has been helpful in that people have been very kind in assisting me. So please, take care and be kind to each other.

Hinemoa Conner,

Acting Chairperson, Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō Trusts


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