New Merchandise Launched for Iwi Members

Posted on 19 January 2022

New Merchandise Launched for Iwi Members

Ngati Apa ki te Rā Tō are excited to be adding a Face Mask to it's range of merchandise!


The pattern on our masks was designed by tohunga whakairo and iwi trustee Fayne Robinson, the pattern consists of Mangopare which is the hammerhead shark.

This particular pattern is used to symbolize strength, which in this context is our pūrakau. Our people are our strength, and our stories are our people. The Mangopare are also facing towards and away from each other. This is representative of the breath of life and the transferring of knowledge from generation to generation.

We want to stress the fact that the design is in no way representative of mataora and was purposely made to be neither overly masculine or overly feminine. The yellow colour scheme is an acknowledgement to our name of Ngāti Apa of the setting sun. The painted look of the lines represents the taiao and our connection to it as Ngāi Māori.

The overall concept of the mask design is to show the core values and tikanga of Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō.


But how do I get one you ask? Be the first in line by attending our Whānau Waka Day at Lake Rotoiti on the 29th of January 2022. Registrations essential via


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