Ngā mihi

Posted on 24 September 2018

Ngā mihi

This month’s Hui ā Tau was one of mixed emotions for Adrian Wilson. After eight years on the Trust, Adrian did not stand for re-election this year and September 15 marked his last day as a trustee.

Gifting him taonga on behalf of the iwi, Trustee Margaret Bond said Adrian would be missed. “I’m glad you have been part of this journey and I hope you will return one day,” she said. 

Adrian said his eight years on the Trust had changed the course of his life: “It’s been amazing, it’s been frustrating too, but I am proud of what we have achieved together, particularly since settlement.” Adrian was gifted two taonga carved by Fayne Robinson, one made of pounamu to connect him to the Coast, and one made of pakohe, symbolising the connection to Te Tauihu.

Pictured, from left, are Tracy Tamou, Brendon Wilson, Adrian Wilson, Margaret Bond and Hinemoa Conner.

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