School properties purchased

Posted on 23 May 2017

School properties purchased

We are delighted to announce that on the 10th of May, Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō became the proud owner of 10 school sites purchased from our Treaty Settlement package from the Ministry of Education. The transaction included Riuwaka, Motueka South, Brooklyn, Tapawera, Stoke, Birchwood, Enner Glynn, Tahunanui, Renwick High and Riverlands schools across Te Tauihu. 

The schools are leased back to the Ministry of Education, who remain the tenants on the land and who will now pay a rental to Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō. This milestone investment will be managed as part of the pūtea by the Investment Company (NAIL). The schools are the first major property transaction for our iwi and represent the establishment of a strong foothold in our rohe at just over 25 hectares in total, going some way to restoring our mana whenua in the Te Tauihu region. 

The schools were purchased after extensive investigations and we believe are a sound investment for the iwi in these uncertain times. They also underscore our long-term relationship with the Crown as our Treaty of Waitangi partner and the Trust will use this opportunity to engage with our new tenants and explore ways that we can reinforce our connections with the whenua. 

Special thanks to our advisors, in particular Scott Wight from Gascoigne Wicks and Manoli Aerakis from RWCA, plus the office, investment and trust boards for all of their mahi in making this happen. 

Nga mihi

Gerrard Wilson 

Director | Ngāti Apā ki te Rā To Investments Ltd


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