Whanganui whakapapa hui
Posted on 17 December 2019
Tuatahi, ka tuku mihi kia koutou ngā uri o Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō e noho ana ki te rohe o te Awa Tupua o Whanganui. Whanganui whānau recently attended a whakapapa hui at Tupoho House in Whanganui. For some, it was the first time they had attended a hui such as this.
Time was spent making connections and listening to kōrero. It was awesome to have younger and older generations represented.
We truly appreciate your enthusiasm to know more about your tūpuna and whakapapa and look forward to creating further opportunities to hui together in the future.
Ngā mihi e te whānau.
Mahara Gilsenan
Te Puna Kawai – Whakapapa Advisor