
What lies beneath?
What lies beneath?

Earlier this month, Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō kaimahi attended a knowledge sharing event at Rotoiti focusing on the Cawthron Institute’s Our Lakes’ Health: past, present, future (Lakes380) project.

Posted on 16 May 2021

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Ronga Reserve Open Day
Ronga Reserve Open Day

If you are in Te Tauihu, take a trip out to Te Hoiere for the Ronga Reserve Open Day on Sunday, May 9, 10am -1pm.

Posted on 09 April 2021

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Welcome Jen!
Welcome Jen!

After putting the iwi’s new Taiao position on hold last year due to Covid-19, we are pleased to welcome Dr Jen Skilton into the role.

Posted on 10 March 2021

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A new path
A new path

A conservation-focused pilot programme in Te Tauihu aimed at arming rangatahi with skills related to Te Taiao has been given the green light to continue.

Posted on 16 October 2019

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From the Chair
From the Chair

Late last month, on a crisp Friday morning, I attended a signing ceremony at the Trafalgar Centre in Nelson, for the recently finalised Kotahitanga mō te Taiao Strategy, which has…

Posted on 17 July 2019

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Nāmātou nā The year has got off to a good start with responses or a review to most incoming consultations.

Posted on 15 March 2018

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Kia ora koutou This is our second pānui as providers of Taiao services to Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō.

Posted on 12 February 2018

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Contact us at Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō