On Friday, September 11, Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō artist Margaret Bond was presented with an award from Marlborough Mayor Alistair Sowman, recognising her contribution to adult education.
Tēnā koutou katoa With Brendon back on New Zealand soil it’s time for me to hand back the reins and this is my final duty before I head back to the…
Kia ora to Te Rongomai Tipene-Matua, who received a Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō Trust Education Grant for the 2016 academic year.
At a hui in Whakatū (Nelson) on October 27, 2015, iwi representatives met with Sealord to discuss the Ihu to Mai arrangements.
As mentioned in the previous pānui the Mana Rangatahi initiative was a finalist at the Te Reo Māori Awards in the youth section.
Kia ora koutou I need to advise of changes within our key office personnel, which have come about in recent weeks.
At the relatively young age of 13, Kayden Skipper is making his mark in the sport of jiu jitsu.
Thirty-three rangatahi from around Aotearoa, hosted by the McGuiness Institute and the New Zealand Treasury, gathered in Wellington last month to explore what a preferred future for Māori might look like…
The Mana Rangatahi waka set sail again from July 11 to 16. Rangatahi came from all over the rohe.
Firstly, I would like to congratulate some of our Mana Rangatahi participants on their recent achievements.