Kia ora e te whānau, I want firstly to pass on my appreciation to Hinemoa Conner for agreeing to step up and cover things in my absence during October and November…
The interim arrangement for the coverage of the CEO role is now in place and is working well.
Tralee Walker is a recent recipient of a Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō Education grant. Kia ora my name is Tralee Walker.
The first Mana Rangatahi wānanga of 2018 was held in the Christmas school holidays. This time the wānanga travelled down into the Marlborough Sounds to Tītīrangi and Anamāhanga.
As this pānui is being sent out we are getting ready to host our annual Tuia te Tāngata Whānau Day and AGM.
I trust you are all surviving through the winter months and are able to keep warm.
Kia ora koutou This is our second pānui as providers of Taiao services to Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō.
Administrative work post the AGM is now under way, to implement the outcomes from the resolutions passed at the SGM.
He Wai Puna, He Puna Aroha - A Spring of wellbeing, a Spring of Love On June 23, a rōpū of Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō representatives found ourselves once…
Spanning four generations, we were fortunate to have 38 immediately whānau members attend our reunion in Whakatū in December.