Marina Kere (Ngāti Apa ke te Rā Tō, Ngāti Kuia, Ngāi Tahu) has made it to the finals of Miss Universe NZ 2018.
Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō supported the recent Tuna e Hoe Ana waka ama regatta at Rotoiti last month. It was the 10th anniversary of the event.
Thirty-three rangatahi from around Aotearoa, hosted by the McGuiness Institute and the New Zealand Treasury, gathered in Wellington last month to explore what a preferred future for Māori might look like…
Another Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō member is off overseas to represent New Zealand.
Nāmātou nā The year has got off to a good start with responses or a review to most incoming consultations.
Kia ora e te whānau, I want firstly to pass on my appreciation to Hinemoa Conner for agreeing to step up and cover things in my absence during October and November…
Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō’s latest Mana Rangatahi wānanga wrapped up last week, with the biggest participation to date.
Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō is proud to support our students in their tertiary and trade futures.
The first Mana Rangatahi wānanga of 2018 was held in the Christmas school holidays. This time the wānanga travelled down into the Marlborough Sounds to Tītīrangi and Anamāhanga.
Kia ora koutou Our scheduled meeting with Ngāti Waewae and Buller District Mayor Garry Howard in early July was postponed due to a tangi down at Arahura.