Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō held a Māori Land Information evening at the office in association with Dee Turner, Māori Liaison/ Caseworker for Community Law, Marlborough.
Marina Kere (Ngāti Apa ke te Rā Tō, Ngāti Kuia, Ngāi Tahu) has made it to the finals of Miss Universe NZ 2018.
Kia ora e te whānau We are currently working on the times, dates and locations for our upcoming roadshows focusing on our Draft Five-Year Plan and will advise as soon as…
An exhibition on now at the Millennium Public Art Gallery in Blenheim - ‘Remembering the Kurahaupō Settlement: Ngā Pakiaka Mōrehu o te Whenua’ - has generated plenty of interest.
Another Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō member is off overseas to represent New Zealand.
It has sailed a different course to what was first envisaged, but a traditional hēra woven by Trustee Margaret Bond more than 32 years ago has found a new home.
Kia ora whānau This is always a busy time of the year for the Trust, office staff and our accountant and auditor, as we finalise the end-of-year accounts, go through the…
Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō’s latest Mana Rangatahi wānanga wrapped up last week, with the biggest participation to date.
Alice Gilsenan knows a thing or two about whitebaiting – she should, she’s been fishing on the banks of the Buller River for the past 42 years.
Next month’s Hui ā Tau will be one of mixed emotions for Adrian Wilson, who is signing off as a trustee after eight years at the table.