• Ngā Manū Kōrero

    It was only her first time entering the annual Ngā Manu Kōrero Secondary School speech competition, but 13-year-old Te Ao Marama Nepia looked like a pro on the national stage in Gisborne.…

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  • Waiho i te toipoto, kaua i te toiroa

    The year got off to a great start for a rōpū of Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō rangatahi who headed to Motueka and Kaiteriteri for the summer Mana Rangatahi…

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  • Thank you Whanganui

    Naku te rourou nau te rourou ka ora ai te iwi - With your basket and my basket the people will live.

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  • From the Chair

    Kia ora e te whānau We are currently working on the times, dates and locations for our upcoming roadshows focusing on our Draft Five-Year Plan and will advise as soon as…

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  • From the GM

    E ngā uri o Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō, tēnā koutou katoa! We have a very busy and exciting year ahead.

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  • New faces

    Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō Trust this month appointed two independent members to sit on the Independent Audit and Risk Sub-Committee.

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  • A special gift

    It has sailed a different course to what was first envisaged, but a traditional hēra woven by Trustee Margaret Bond more than 32 years ago has found a new home.

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  • Haere rā, Deb

    Every now and then in our lives, we can find ourselves in a position where our hearts tell us we must make a particular decision.

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  • Kākahu

    Iwi members Manaia Mahuika-Davies and Kayla Folwell are turning heads in Christchurch.

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  • My Backyard: Alice Gilsenan

    Alice Gilsenan knows a thing or two about whitebaiting – she should, she’s been fishing on the banks of the Buller River for the past 42 years.

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Contact us at Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō