• Haere rā, Deb

    Every now and then in our lives, we can find ourselves in a position where our hearts tell us we must make a particular decision.

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  • From the Chair

    Kia ora e te whānau, Firstly, a big thank you to those who were able to make it along to our recent series of consultation hui.

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  • From the Chair

    Kia ora e te whānau, The Board have now signed off on the Five-year Plan and have also approved the operating plan for the next 12 months.

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  • From the Chair

    Kia ora e te whānau, I trust you have been able to take a break and are managing to survive the heatwave the country has been experiencing.

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  • High achiever

    Tui-Aroha Fransen is making her whānau proud.

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  • Trustee Profile: Tracy Tamou

    She’s a legend on the kapa haka stage and a long-time Te Matatini participant, but thankfully Tracy Tamou still finds the time to sit on the Ngāti Apa ki te…

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  • She's a Rebel!

    Meretiana Robinson, daughter of Fayne and Dianne Robinson, is all set for another full-on season playing top-level rugby in Australia.

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  • Go Ihaia!

    He’s been a stand-out performer on the league field since he was 6 years old, and now young iwi member Ihaia Puohotaua is cleaning up on the athletics field as…

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  • Let's go! Hoe Kia Rite!

    Whānau from all over the country travelled to Rotoiti this month to take part in the first of a series of wānanga designed to support the iwi’s waka tāngata project.

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  • Tuia te muka tangata ki uta

    Toward the end of this year, Aotearoa New Zealand will acknowledge 250 years since the first sustained onshore meetings between Māori and Pākehā with a national commemoration called Tuia – Encounters…

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