Thanks, first of all, to those of you who took the time out of your busy schedules to attend this year’s AGM.
My report this month focuses on changes that are in progress in the commercial area, including how the commercial activity within the Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō Group will be managed in the future.…
Hinemoa Conner has been a Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō Trustee since 2011, and while she may now live in the Far North, she’s still a West Coast girl…
The Sunday night of AGM, Denis Gapper reckons he had the best sleep in years.
“Seek opportunities, wānanga, courses, iwi initiatives, learn the reo, and most importantly use it.
Well there is no doubt about it, Mana Rangatahi Tuangahuru – the 10th wānanga - was truly something else.
About 50 members travelled to Rotoiti the day ahead of the AGM for some time on the water at this special wāhi tapu.
Iwi members who have expertise and knowledge of Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō whakapapa are sought to advise the Trusts.
The Te Tauihu Iwi Chairs met late last month and agreed on the next steps toward establishing protocols for how Taonga Tūturu recovered in Te Tauihu would be dealt with.
Each year alongside the AGM, hākari gives members a chance to catch-up and reconnect.