The departure of the Tuia 250 flotilla from Waitohi/Picton at the end of last month represented the start of an exciting journey for rangatahi Kingston Henry, of Blenheim.
Ilene Morris is one of 23 recipients awarded a Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō Trust Education Grant in the 2018 round.
The Sunday night of AGM, Denis Gapper reckons he had the best sleep in years.
Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō was proud to support the University of Otago’s recent Encounters and Exchanges conference, which was held in Blenheim December 1-3.
Iwi members Krissteen Smith, of Christchurch, and Kylie Batt, from Westport, are back on land after joining the Tuia 250 Voyage as trainees aboard the waka hourua, Haunui.
About 50 members travelled to Rotoiti the day ahead of the AGM for some time on the water at this special wāhi tapu.
Mana Rangatahi participant Justin Starkey has officially graduated from the DOC/NMIT Project Moturoa course, which brought together rangatahi from throughout Te Tauihu to learn about conservation and gain related hands-on…
Iwi members Krissteen Smith, of Christchurch, and Kylie Batt, from Westport, are back on land after joining the Tuia 250 Voyage as trainees aboard the waka hourua, Haunui.
Each year alongside the AGM, hākari gives members a chance to catch-up and reconnect.
I trust that you have all managed to see through 2019 successfully and welcomed in the New Year recharged.